Pence per litre (petrol/diesel) | |
Efficiency (miles per gallon) | |
Miles driven per month | |
Monthly car lease or loan payments (£) | |
Road Tax (Vehicle Excise Duty) - Monthly Cost (£) | |
Insurance - Monthly Cost (£) | |
Servicing - Monthly Cost (£) |
Efficiency (Miles per kWh) | |
Monthly car lease or car loan payments | |
Road Tax (Vehicle Excise Duty) - Monthly Cost | |
Insurance - Monthly Cost (£) | |
Servicing - Monthly Cost (£) |
Pence per KWh (peak rate) | |
Pence per KWh (cheap rate) | |
Cheap Rate and Peak Rate combined will account for 100% of your home charging. What percentage of your home charging will be done at the Cheap Rate (%)? |
Pence per KWh (public charger) | |
What percentage of your total monthly miles will be charged using public charging stations? |